“Oneness In A World Of Dualities”

This project on love, sexuality and gender in Tbilisi, which is called: "To love means to find yourself in another," truly manifests my vision of making photography and video for the benefit of the subjects. In these photos the actor Levan Gelbakhiani, protagonist of the "forbidden love story" of the film "And then we danced" who received a 15-minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival , Xosilita and Alexander Gadelita, join together to celebrate their hard fought, yet fragile freedom.




Tamar Dvali

A short motion portrait of Sukishvili dancer, Tamar Dvali.



Message to talent about the project:

“ I wanted to create this project because one of the things that brings me most joy is seeing worlds and spaces where artists can support and inspire other artists. I want to create a space of complete freedom, love, inspiration and absolutely no limits because art holds no limits. 

All this project is trying to enable you to be able to perform your art form in a space where you can feel limitless and most inspired to do so, so this space that we are creating and mending; you should feel just completely free to create in whatever way intuitively feels right for you as an artist. I just want to be able to capture it through my perspective through photography/ film. I will add direction and there are some specific shots I want to create but when it comes to your art form you are the one guiding:) There is also an ongoing theme in my works that simply is love and how love is to recognize yourself in the other ( other can go beyond person and to passion, space etc.).”